Thursday, 5 February 2015

8 Shocking Habits That Makes you Fat

Old habits can be hard to break, but they may be breaking your weight-loss efforts. Nobody wants to be called "fat"  Everybody wants that perfect figure  not minding if your single, married, or nursing a baby like me. To achieve it is not an easy task. Whether we like to admit it or not, our weight is directly linked to our health. Being overweight and being underweight have adverse consequences on our health and are situations we must avoid at all cost. Unfortunately, its a bit difficult. Here are 8 ways you may be sabotaging yourself without even realizing it.

 Skipping Meals

Say it with me: SKIPPING MEALS MAKES YOU FAT and is one of the worst things you can do for your body and mind. Your metabolism slows down, and you’re much more likely to overeat later in the day. The American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who cut out breakfast were 4.5 times more likely to be obese.

Taking Big Bites

Avoid spooning very large portions of food into your mouth. Cut your food into smaller pieces, use a smaller fork or spoon. You increase enjoyment and take longer to eat, which increases your satisfaction. Research has shown that people who took large bites of food consumed 52% more calories in one sitting than those who took small bites and chewed longer!

Eating Too Quickly

It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s had enough. Slow eaters eat fewer calories per meal than fast eaters. So if you are concerned about that weight, cut down your speed. -

Having Overweight Friends

If your friends or spouse overeat you’re 57% more likely to overeat too,  I am NOT suggesting you cut ties with your overweight friends! Instead of going out to eat, plan social activities. You’ll have more fun together and burn calories instead of packing them on.

Eating Heavy Dinner

When you hit your body with so much food at dinner, it can be difficult for the body to digest and process it all. The extra can be converted into fatty acids and lead to weight gain.

Watching TV While Eating

When you watch television, you’re not fully concentrating on anything else that you’re doing, and this includes eating. You get distracted while eating and tend to eat much more. Sometimes, you may not even remember all of what you ate! Statistics also show you eat 5-10 times more when you eat while watching TV.

Not Getting Enough Sleep
You don’t even need to be conscious to work on losing weight. Getting the right amount of sleep is a major factor in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Sleep is essential for your metabolism, your blood-sugar regulation, appropriate hormone balance and energy health.

Avoiding the Scale

Accountability is one of the best things you can do for your body, and a scale will help keep you on track. Stepping on a scale every other day keeps your goals and accomplishments fresh in your mind. Other ways of staying accountable? Smart phone apps that can help you track your diet programs, like Lose It, and tracking your calories burned with a heart rate monitor like Polar’s FT4, or a pedometer that counts the amount of steps you’re walking.

Maybe you have little or no time to go to the gym this simple and concise shocking habits can make you shade few kgs, works for me thou.

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